Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Good News for People Who Love Bad News

I am trying to be good.

This is a general, all-purpose statement that easily covers any number of areas in my life. For example I am trying to be good with the money I earn. I am trying to be a good daughter/sister/girlfriend/friend. I am trying to be a good writer. I am trying to become a good cook (this is sporadic as I will cook for a week then revert back to Lean Cuisine for a month or so).

But today this about eating. I am trying to be good. I am trying to resist the temptation of delicious catered lunches provided by generous and kind drug reps who really WANT to feed me fajitas and lasagna. I am trying to avoid walking across the long bridge to the VA where I can buy soda and popcorn and candy and other things that are NOT GOOD.

Seriously though, I'm willing to lay it all out here. I have no will-power. None, nil, zero. In my head I know that I will be happier, healthier, thinner, more energetic if I eat my Kashi Go-Lean cereal for lunch every day and walk on my breaks. I am an intelligent person, I know that toffee bars and anything dripping in cheese is not good for me but that does not seem to change the fact that what I want most in the world is chocolate and fresh tortilla chips from Los Amigos.

Today, however, I am trying to be good. If that works out I'll try again tomorrow. I am done being on a diet. Whenever I decide that I am on a diet I inevitably fall off my diet. Instead I'm just going to try one day at a time to be a little better.

1 comment:

McDreamy said...

that's awesome. i'll be cheering for you. you ought to go back to some of matt's original posts on widebody - pretty funny! i need to be doing the same now, since i get not-nice comments from doctor every 2 weeks, but i just don't care until the baby's actually here and i can see weight coming off, not continually going on no matter what. keep us updated and we'll try to keep you encouraged!