Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A New Name For Everything!

"Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
-Lewis Carroll

I had the flu for the last six days but I'm better now.
It has become, suddenly, warm and breezy...like false hope of spring.
I have officially worked at UAMS 5 years this week.
I bought a bathing suit this weekend that is two sizes too small, it's either optimism or wistful thinking.
Nutrigrain yogert bars and Sam's Choice flavored sparkling water are tasty treats for those of us hoping to get into bathing suits two sizes too small.
The Hogs made a step forward, but there are two more to go.
The Diamond Hogs are the one shining light in that program, out scoring their opponent this weekend 44-6.
I'm thinking about opening the windows when I get home tonight, see how fresh air smells.
I am NOT cooking tonight. My family can starve.
I have a skirt to wear over above mentioned bathing suit should more of me hang out of is socially acceptable.
I have to have three cavities filled next Monday.
Filling cavities is definately preferable to another root canal.

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