Saturday, July 15, 2006

Post on Blogging

This is my official first Blog. The funny thing is I have no idea what to say in it, so I thought I would start off with a little discussion of fate.

I am writing a blog because I stumbled on an old friend's blog. I hadn't seen Suzanne is perhaps six years, she'd just gotten married and was living in West Memphis near me. Before that we were roommates in college, ten years ago.

The question of the day has to be why we keep losing each other only to find each other again. I have a loose collection of beliefs that make up my faith, a sort of amalgamation of environmentalism, religion, social responcibility, and intelectualism. I'm admittedly uncomfortable with organized religion, although I have happy memories of growing up in the Diciples of Christ church. I don't confuse my reluctance to join a church with a lack of faith. Maybe that is why I believe in the idea that fate guides us, bringing us back to things we are meant to find.


Anonymous said...

Everybody was kung fu blogging....
(dadadada dumpdump dumpdump duhhmmmmmmm ... chihhhhhhhh)
Loving the blog! It is a beautiful thing. It is nice to see people who can write right write...unlike me.

I'm glad that you and Suzannes realms have once again crossed. (Suzanne says over my shoulder "No apostrophe." -- she is like a little (or big) spell checker on my shoulder). May it be well. We are currently praying about a job outside of Little Rock, so if that happens we will be moving our clan North. We hope to see you their. (Suzanne -- "Uhhmph....Did you do that on purpose?" -- there their now --- yes i did.)


McDreamy said...


i'm so glad to see you succumbed to the blog pressure! i don't know why we crossed again, but i'm thrilled about it. i'll be linking you soon.

oh, and thanks for the congrats - we're way happy! and just for the record, unless there is a miracle of ridiculous proportions, parker baby 4 will be the last. which is good. i'm ready to focus on the ones i have (and the one as of yet unseen, obviously). i'd love to meet your fiancee and, in turn, have you meet my hoodlums.

Lou Arnold said...

Glad to see you blogging. Suzanne was glad that you stumbled onto her blog. Congrats on getting married.

Becky said...

Hi Matt! I have the strangest assortment of memories associated with you. All good, I assure you! You guys should totally come live in Conway. There are a millon reasons I could sell my favorite town to you but the best one is just that it would be so nice to have ya'll so close! I could "borrow" you kids and spoil them rotten like I already do my cousins three. I think my cousin generally refers to my borrowing as baby-sitting though.