Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Teeth? Who needs teeth?

"Ice hockey is a form of disorderly conduct in which the score is kept."
-Doug Larson

I have, for the last two years, become engrossed in the NHL play-offs. Perhaps the same blood-lust that makes me a football fan is probably what makes watching enormous men slam each other into plexi-glass wall fun.

"A puck is a hard rubber disk that hockey players strike when they can't hit one another."
-Jimmy Cannon

NHL hockey is shown only on a little know sports channel called Versus...they also show the Americas Cup and PBR bull riding. To be fair, I believe they also show Saturday afternoon games on NBC, but the point is it's not easily accessible to someone living in Arkansas. As much as I'd like to pick a team and follow it throughout the regular season, the irregular broadcasts seem to prohibit this. So I root for the Canadians in the play-offs.

"Hockey is figure skating in a war zone."

This year, I am firmly for the Ottawa Senators. Why Canada? Because, I'm boycotting being an American until the socio-political atmosphere finds a way to end it's steady and demoralizing decay into greed and church-run stupidity.

"High sticking, tripping, slashing, spearing, charging, hooking, fighting, unsportsmanlike conduct, interference, roughing...everything else is just figure skating."

In the case (as happened last year) that my Canadians don't make it to the Stanley Cup finals, then I'm for Buffalo. Don't ask why, that pick is arbitrary.


McDreamy said...

i'm a pbr bullriding fan.

hockey. not so much. :)

Anonymous said...

"...until the socio-political atmosphere finds a way to end it's steady and demoralizing decay into greed and church-run stupidity."

It sounds like someone needs to invest in some Valium. Try to think of it like this ... anyone can survive in a mamby pamby socialist society. Mamby pamby societies engender violent sports like hockey, but you are blessed to live in a country where our sports are civil. We do all of our cut-throating at the socio-political level. Everyday life is a bloodsport in the South (or tha Dirty South as rappers refer to it). So keep your chin up.