Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Step One: Admitting You Have a Problem

I am an addict.

See, there, I said it. I am addicted to sports, all things sport. I love football season, I anticipate it's arrival like a child waiting for Christmas. I love the smooth plane of green grass broken only by crisp white chalk lines. I love the crunch of helmet meeting pads as linemen crash into each other battling for position and possession. I love yelling and cursing, screaming and praying for my favorite teams. I love the marching bands and cheerleaders and the hours of tailgate parties leading up to big games. I love the black and white referee shirts and the bright orange of the line markers.
My addiction does not end at football, I am equally crazy about baseball. In my opinion, there is nothing as beautiful as a baseball field lit up at night. I love the intricacies of the game, the battle of wits and strength between pitcher and batter, the excitement of a double play well turned, the mental game of stolen bases and bunts. My blood runs fast for a diving catch stealing an extra bases hit from a batter.
I love hockey, basketball (college, not NBA), soccer, and have even been known to watch golf on TV.
That's right, I'm a sports addict. I am routinely ridiculed by my girlfriends for this. Shamefully, I have skipped out on shopping and lunch dates to watch a big game.
I'd like to say that I'm planning to quit my addiction, but that would be untrue. Even now I'm counting down the days to the first televised college football game (23 days, Boston College @ Central Michigan on ESPN2). This year I get to watch football in HD (high definition for those who aren't also tech junkies) thanks to Murray's love of all things electronic.
So bring on the pigskin! Bring on the pom-pons and the face paint and the ear muffs and the roasted peanuts!

1 comment:

McDreamy said...

i love how your senses are so involved in your addiction. you can hear it in your description. i'm a little of a sports lover (including boxing - don't let there be a big match on hbo - it's hard to not want to plunk down the 50 bucks!) but definitely not to your degree. as always, i love your passion.