Thursday, July 27, 2006

On falling...

Today I fell at work. Oh, wait, before you feel bad for me you might want to read the rest.

Today I fell at work, but only AFTER someone asked me if I was pregnant. That's right, I not only had the opportunity to give my favorite fake smile and say, "Nope, I'm just fat but thanks for asking" but I also slipped on a puddle of water and fell. Of course there were witnesses, how could you think otherwise?

This brings me to contemplate humiliation today.

Webster says this:
hu·mil·i·ate Pronunciation: hyü-'mi-lE-"; Form(s): -at·ed; -at·ing:
to reduce to a lower position in one's own eyes or others'.

Webster also adds this helpful link: mortify
mor·ti·fy Pronunciation: 'mor-t&-"fI; Form(s): -fied; -fy·
1 obsolete : to destroy the strength, vitality, or functioning of
2 : to subdue or deaden (as the body or bodily appetites) especially by abstinence or self-inflicted pain or discomfort
3 : to subject to severe and vexing embarrassment.

I think definition #3 is what we are looking for.

The thing is, usually my weight only bothers me as a health issue. I mean, I don't stand in front of my mirror cursing my ugliness or anything. Even worse, I've actually been losing weight for the past two months. I bought a bicycle, joined a gym, have been eating better. So, you see, I was actually feeling pretty good about myself.
I'll bounce back, I have an over-abundance of self-esteem, but still I have to wonder if sometimes the universe doesn'tembarrassmentarrasment as a little reminder. You know, like "hey, you, time to remember what it's like to be one of the little people". Oh, and one other thing, best way to fight Webster's mortification is laughter; if you can laugh at yourself than just about everything will seem a little less embarrassing. Luckily, today I'm a laughing alot.


McDreamy said...

i'm so sorry. that sucks SO much.
glad you're still laughing.

matt swears he'll never ask a woman about her unborn baby until he can personally see the head crowning!! listen, world, TAKE NOTE!!

Becky said...

Okay, I mostly think it's funny now. Seriously, people are willing to ask the stupidest things. I, particularly, have a big sign on my head that says "Ask me a stupid question!"
The fall though...well, that actually WAS pretty funny.

McDreamy said...

where are you? i'm ready to hear actual intelligent thoughts from someone. my posts aren't quite so thought worthy. :)