Maybe the sun will shine today
The clouds will blow away
Maybe I won’t feel so afraid
I will try to understand
Either way.
-Wilco, "Either Way"
I listen to NPR. I recycle religiously. I buy organic food. I feed the birds and squirrels in my backyard. I never kill spiders that are outside because that is their home. I believe in the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press. I listen to indie music. I am a vocal supporter of universal health care. I believe in public schools and taxes. I am tired of politicians and the media treating the word liberal like it's something bad. I believe that marriage should be for everyone but that too many people get married when they shouldn't. I don't believe in divorce. I believe that people, for the most part, are good. I think that there is a terrible movement towards dumbing down American culture. I think that America has embraced hatred towards gays and illegal immigrants as the new "acceptable" racism. I think bio-diesel is good.
In short, I am a liberal.
My sisters refer to my by less kind names.
So here we are on the verge of another election year and faced with a growing tangle of issues which candidates would have us choose by. But I have questions.
Why can't you oppose war without being labeled "unpatriotic"?
Why is terrorism more important than education?
Why can't you be liberal and faithful at the same time?
Why do I have to balance my checkbook is the government doesn't?
Why do we talk more about illegal immigrants than we do about foster children or hurricane and natural disaster victims?
Why don't we have a policy for confronting global warming?
Why can't the elderly and disabled afford medication still despite Medicare D?
Why aren't our children more important than oil?
Why do all the issues that make up the major party platforms seem disconnected with the things average communities are concerned about?
There may not be answers to any of these questions but I think it's time for us to start asking. I I think that it's time to look at where we live and wonder why we don't have better schools, better infrastructure, cleaner air and water, and better health care. I'm starting now. "Yes, a penguin taught me French back in Antarctica" had now become Election '08 Headquarters.